Sealcoating Parking Lot

Tri-State Parking Lot Maintenance is the leader in conventional seal coating with a proven quality product. Tri-State's Sealcoat is indicated for use on new or old asphalt with negligible loss of aggregate. 

Tri-State's Sealcoat is coal tar, diluted with water and reinforced with styrene butadiene rubber for flexibility and petroleum resistance. It is non-carcinogenic and causes no harm to the environment. Our sealer is a product of GemSeal, Atlanta, Ga. 

Preventative maintenance is key to long lasting asphalt.

Tri State's Sealcoat protects asphalt surfaces by sealing out water, petroleum products, oxygen and the sun's ultraviolet rays. Tri State's Sealcoating works to save you money on costly asphalt repairs.

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